16 January, 2020
Rashida Davletkildeyeva, Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan
Rashida Gazizovna Davletkildeeva - Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan, Honorary Citizen of Petropavlovsk was the symbol of the pedagogical school of the twentieth century. Quiet and demanding, intelligent and always in demand, she remained so until her last days.
She taught children, wrote articles, did a lot of public work, and she also studied the ancestry of her ancestors. Hundreds of exhibits in the regional history and local lore, school and other museums are a personal gift of Rashida Gazizovna.
The public association "North-Kazakhstan regional Tatar-Bashkir public center "Duslyk" organized an evening in memory of Rashida Davletkildeyeva in the House of Friendship. Over a cup of tea, participants remembered the heroine of the evening, her contribution to the preservation of culture, history and traditions of the Tatar people. Rashida Gazizovna has been an activist of "Duslyk" Tatar-Bashkir Centre for many years, becoming a faithful friend and mentor.
For example, Rashida Gazizovna’s relative Davletkildeyeva Alla Nurgaliyeva recalls: "I remember how I stepped into the first grade in September 1945, timidly holding on to her with my baby pen, and saw the first teacher A. Malysheva. Since that day we have been living together for more than 50 years. She was the headmistress of the school, a biology teacher, I became a pioneer, then a Komsomol member, and was elected in the 10th grade as the headmistress of the school. And when the question about the choice of life path arose, the answer was long ready - to become a teacher".
Rashida Gazizovna is Honorary President of Duslyk Tatar-Bashkir Centre. She is an Honoured Teacher of Kazakhstan and has been awarded the Badge of Honour Order and many medals. The city has established Rashida Davletkildeyeva’s Prize, which is awarded to the best teachers and educators of schools and kindergartens.
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