Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

13 February, 2020


Days of Russian culture held in university of North Kazakhstan Region

PETROPAVLOVSK – Members of Russian community of Kazakhstan and Brotherhood of Siberian Cossacks acquainted the audience with the peculiarities of their culture, traditions, creativity and cuisine in M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University.

Touching lyrical and incendiary folk songs were presented by venerable artists of ‘Zvonnitsa’ ensemble. The young stars from children's choreographic groups showed Russian folk dances.

The participants of the event were able to try their hand at national games, as well as taste delicious cakes and cakes with fragrant tea.

Folk arts and crafts were presented at the exhibition: unique items made of birch bark, wooden tableware painted in Russian flavor. The audience was also interested in books about art, literature and history of Russian people presented at the exhibition. The traditional samovar and matryoshka came into the picture. The cossacks even showed flanking with a draughtsman's checker, which under the skillful hand of the master cleverly painted out circles and patterns in the air.

Students gladly participated in mass festivities, tasted dishes of national cuisine, danced and sang together with artists. Such events are especially important for those who came to Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University from other countries to study. This is how they learn the local culture, tell about their own, feel connected and communicate positively with local residents. Thus in rich ethnocultural variety of Northern Kazakhstan there is a strengthening of interethnic relations and tolerance.

Also within the limits of educational lecture ‘Halyktanu’, delivering lectures "Russian", "Professional diversity of Russian people" in three languages, a literary drawing room, a holiday of Shrovetide and visiting by students of Russian drama theater of a name of N. Pogodin is planned.

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