Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

09 September, 2016



On the initiative of the secretariat of the Assembly of the South-Kazakhstan region representatives of ethnic and cultural associations of the region and responsible educators met at a round table in the meeting hall of the KSE "Kogamdyk kelіsіm".

The participants of the meeting were explained stages of trinitarian language policy in the country's education system. There was an interesting discussion threads and exchanges.

Were discussed the reports on the tasks facing the state in the implementation of the trinity of languages ​​in education and their role in the consolidation of society and the formation of Kazakhstan identity. Among the participants were A.Kenzhebaev, head of the education department and the department of South Kazakhstan region D.Mankeeva, the teacher of the Kazakh language grammar school №1 after A.S. Pushkin.

During the meeting, the chairman of the regional branch of the Association of Russian, Slavic and Cossack organizations Y.Kiryuhin spoke on the cooperation of educators within ethno-cultural associations in the light of the objectives of effective implementation of language policy.

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